By Bus Bus fare is R$1 (US40¢) with no transfers. The buses' origin and destination are given on the front, while smaller signs on the front and sides give route information. Because of the many one-way streets in Belém, buses normally follow different routes going and coming, so the smaller signs list route information for the trip out -- IDA -- and for the return route -- VOLTA. For visitors the two most useful routes are the ones that take you from either The Ver-o-Peso Market or Praça da República out past the Nazaré Basilica, the bus station (rodoviario), and the Bosque Rodrigues Alves. The following will accomplish that, but as always there are others.
From in front of the Ver-o-Peso, the buses are: BENGUI -- VER-O-PESO; CIDADE NOVA IV -- VER-O-PESO AF900; JIBÓIA BRANCA -- VER-O-PESO AF 986.
From Av. Pres. Vargas (Praça República), the buses are: AGUAS BRANCAS -- PRES. VARGAS AU 988; CASTANHEIRA -- PRES. VARGAS AG 440; ICOARACI -- A. BARROSO. (This bus will also take you out to Icoaraci.)
By Taxi Taxis are plentiful and inexpensive. They can be hailed on the street or at numerous taxi stands. Rides are always metered. Sample fares: from the airport to Praça da República, R$30 (US$13); from the main bus station to Praça da República, R$15 (US$6.25); from Praça da República to The Ver-o-Peso Market, R$7 (US$2.90). Coopertaxi (tel. 091/3257-1720 or 091/3257-1041) can be reached 24/7 and accepts Visa and MasterCard.
By Car Belém drivers buckle up religiously and carefully observe posted speed limits; Belém's police enforce the rules ruthlessly. Roads and destinations are well marked, making travel straightforward if you decide to rent a car.